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One To Make Her Happy - Marque

One To Make Her Happy
One To Make Her Happy
im Stil von:
Nr. :
Marcus Nigsch, Norbert Hasberger
Marcus Nigsch

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Well for nine years or ten 
she was engaged to Dan, 
she never thought of another man. 
Then she felt something new, 
she did´nt know what to do, 
she wasn´t sure if this love was true. 
(She was never happy), 
she was never sad 
(She never felt that lucky), 
with the boy she had. 
One day she 
just threw her life in the pan, 
to share her life with three men. 
And she found one to make her happy, 
one to make her sad 
one to give her good love, 
that she never had. 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
living in a house, 
sharing just the good life. 
Do do do do, do do do do do do, 
do do do do do do do do do do 
And that was four years ago, 
now Daisy blew the whole show, 
uh huh, 
and all the boys had to face the end. 
When she opens the door, 
you see some kids on the floor, 
uh huh huh. 
I don´t believe they´re from heaven sent. 
(She was never happy), 
she was never sad 
(She never felt that lucky), 
with the boy she had. 
One day she 
just threw her life in the pan, 
to share her life with three men. 
And she found one to make her happy, 
one to make her sad 
one to give her good love, 
that she never had. 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
living in a house, 
sharing just the good life. 
She´s got one to make her happy 
one to make her sad 
one to give her good love, 
that she never had. 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
living in a house, 
sharing just the good life. 
Now she´s got one for the money, 
two for the show, 
three to get ready, 
now don´t let her go. 
Daisy she´s got 
one to make her happy 
one to make her sad 
one to give her good love, 
that she never had. 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
living in a house, 
sharing just the good life. 
She´s got one to make her happy 
one to make her sad 
one to give her good love, 
that she never had. 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
living in a house, 
sharing just the good life. 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
Daisy and her boyfriends 
Daisy and her boyfriends
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